Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Everybody will know who is writing this time, because my English is not really good yet. My apologies if I wrote something not right. But with a little time I put a few pictures together from Tracie and I, my favorite song, imagination and all my love to make this video, and here it is.
I met Tracie in 2004 in Peru and all the time I was feeling I knew her from another place. After all these years and through these lines I want say to her “I Love You Sweet Heart” thank you for being a wonderful mother, good friend, lovely wife and my beautiful eternal companion. Please forgive me if sometimes I’m a Jerk, but Peruvians are not perfect, I will be do my best to some day become a person like you. With love … your husband
Thank you guys for always reading our Blog and writing to us. My best wishes to all.


Stephanie Kay Moore said...

HOw cute!

Devin and Tiffany said...

Roy you always have to make the rest of us look like bad husbands don't you!!!

Sarah said...


BAWC said...

good work roy. you are so sweet.

Stacy said...

Roy you did such a great job! And I LOVE that song!

Heidi said...

O.K. so cute! Way to go Roy! That was so sweet.

FoulgerFamily said...

Adorable! Roy you are so talented and so good to your cute wifie!

Jamie and MJ said...

That was really cute way to go Roy good job.

Valerie S said...

I loved your video and I have always loved that song. What a great tribute to your family. Good job Roy! Tracie, hope everything is going well with your pregnancy. I keep checking your blog to see if you've had your baby yet!